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Your benefits:

✔ free access

✔ short summaries of 8 or more important security incidents of all sectors

✔ curated by it security experts from metafinanz

✔ link to the detailed source underneath each news

✔ weekly updated

✔ after registration, weekly updates delivered straight to your inbox

Explore the Security News Collections for free!

Ready to get the Basic security news collection weekly?

Register to the Security News Collection to get the latest Security News Collections delivered straight to your mail account.


… customized for your industry

Your additional benefits:

✔ short summaries of 10 or more relevant security news specifically for your industry, sector or area of expertise on request e.g. Real estate; Financial services; Automotive; …

✔ updated monthly

✔ access via password to share the link internal

✔ long-term access to all security news collections within the archive Explore the Standard Example here!

Example standard

Ready for more specific security news collections?

Get in touch with us to define the standard product in more detail and to get access.

Premium White Label Hub

… customized for your company

Your additional benefits:

✔ a full website on your custom domain e.g.

✔ your Corporate Identity including logo, colors, front etc.

✔ short summaries of 10 or more relevant security news, specifically for your company and areas of focus e.g. specific countries and languages; Soft- and Hardware; Supply Chain, curated by metafinanz IT security experts.

✔ as needed, updatable weekly or monthly

✔ individualized message on top of the page e.g. “Dear team, in order to achieve our discussed goal of getting more awareness about security incidents, I would like to share with you this News Collection …”

✔ additional information material on security awareness from metafinanz experts, branded with your Corporate Identity

✔ possibility to import more of your own training materials into the pages

✔ possibility to have access via password to share the link internal

✔ possibility to have a long-term access to all news collections within the archive

Example premium

Ready to get your own security news collection?

Get in touch with us to define your white label hub in more detail.